jeudi 28 mai 2009

Comparing UK and Netherland transport Policy

In London, a new campaign for road safety had been lauched by Mayor Boris Johnson. This campaign is aimed at reducing drink and drive behaviour and speeding amoungst yound drivers by threatening then of the following penalties: getting a fines or even have your driving lisence cancelled. The new safety campaign will, be focused on this last penalty. But have a look first: and the video:

As you have just seen, the main message of this new campaign is that if you speed or drink and drive, you'll lose your driving liscence... and be a kid again...
Absurd isn't it?
According to Transport for London safety team, all the people that do not have a driving liscence or do not drive everyday/to the shop/working are considered as immature/10 year old children?
Is this the right way to reduce the 222 road death in 2007 in London and promote alternative and accident-free modes of transport?

Now to show how retrograd Britain is:
This month of May Boris Johnson annonced a massive 110 millions pounds for cycling in London over the next 10 year! This coresponds to 11 millions pounds per year (or approximalty 1.30 pounds per inhabitants). One should also note that several of these cycle schemes involve retiming traffic lights/repaving some streets which will benefit also to car users.
If we compare this number with the 30 euros per year per inhabitants spent by Amtersdam, Boris's pride is even more shocking and revolting, espcially when he annonces that he will trun London into a world class cycling city! Next to that 6 billions pounds will be spend for the Heathrow third runway...

I spare you all the absurd list of UK cycle lanes available here:

In the Netherlands, here is a very simple cycle promotion advers (one should note that there are no cycle helmets of high visibility jackets as always show in the UK cycle campaigns)

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