jeudi 30 juillet 2009

How is the public transport budget spendt in london?

Priority measures on Route 38 exist in certain locations and only operate for parts of the day, mainly in the peak hours. As a result, these measures are of limited benefit. The proposals we are consulting on include:
12 and 24 hour bus lanes and contra-flow bus lanes
(in fact only extending the bus lane opening times)
Busways and zones where general traffic is excluded
Junction improvements to maximise bus benefits and improve safety
(in fact junction improvement that makes general traffic quicker, including buses)
Bus location monitoring equipment over the entire length of the route (money given to Siemens for useless high tech gadgets)
standardised approach to waiting and loading restrictions (usually replacement of all the road signes for general traffic!)
Enforcement strategy designed to complement traffic management proposals (of course, just some cheap staff training...)
To ensure improvements for other road users, proposals for Route 38 also include:
Provision of additional parking and loading bays, and protection for parked vehicles
(I'm happy that public transport fund pay for that! - more over because of space constrains these new parking spaces wil certainly be done at the expenses of footway width, cycles lanes, other streets users in general)
Provision of additional facilities for pedestrians, including crossings and pedestrian stages at signals (Putting junction with no pedestrain phase is compulsory should have been done 40 years ago)
Provision of additional and enhanced cycle facilities (cycle lanes, advance stop lines and shared use bus lanes/bus zones)
Improved safety for all road users
Increased capacity and reduced delays for motor vehicles on the route corridor
Improvements to the street environment including tree planting

Most of these measures funded at the name of public transport will benefit car usuers!!!
I imagine you are now happy to know why buses in london are so unreliable and slow, and how behind the mask of enviroment friendly measures, TfL is actually giving priority to car users at the expenses of pedestrian cyclists and bus users.

and last but not least, bus 38 is.... going to be converted back into double decker next month!!!
Which will of course increa journey times for users as well as make the service even more unrealiable (with bus bunching)...
They are getter further from their objectives (

Improve bus reliability and reduce journey times
Enhance the environment along the route corridor
Improve safety and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
Create a more pleasant and safe bus stop environment to make it easier for all passengers to get on and of the bus
Provide additional benefits, where possible, for all road users, communities and businesses