Gost Bike is a new phenomenon in London. It is a sort of monument in the memory of cyclists that have been killed on the london roads. Like a commemorative plate in honor of cyclists that have died for a good cause, for an alternative mode of transport and a new more environmental friendly lifestyle. However, cyclist should not be considered as kamikazes as I will try to demonstrate below.
First, in 2007, 15 cyclists have died (nearly one every two weeks), and 446 have been severly injured in London. In 2007, 2 953 cyclists have been injured at various levels on the London roads. This coresponds to more than 8 accidents per day!
In 2007, cyclists were involved in 13% of all accidents in london whereas they represent less than 2% of all the trips made in London. This disproportion is make cycling in London dangerous compared to other modes of transport. However not yet at the level of walking in London as in 2007, 109 pedestrians have been killed by car drivers (More details here).
According to a Transport for Londoin report (available here: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/assets/downloads/PC-Cas-Factsheet-Final-1986-2007.pdf), most collistions were caused by driver error or poor driving behaviour. Indeed, in 75% of the cases cyclists where "going ahead" while a car manouvered into them.
The first four collision types that caused cyclists death were as follows (cyclist are showed in a dashed line):

In 66% of the cases, cyclists are not responsible of their death. In opposition to common beliefs, only 7% of the fatality were due to cyclists disobeying at traffic signals.
The below table describes the the top six causes of cyclists severe injuries:

Again, the main causes of cyclist injuris on the poor driving cars of motorists.
How to solve this problem:
1 Stop blaming cyclists for disobeying traffic regulations. As we have seens this is not the main cause of accidents. Efforts should be placed on motorists rather than cyclsist. Moreover, permanent official declarations blaming the cyclists's lack of respect of traffic regulations have a negative impact on the cyclists's reputation, discouraging people from cycling and encouraging bad behaviour of motorist towards cyclists.
2 Stop blaming cyclists and providing cyclists training only. By providing permanent advice and training to cyclists it appears to the general public that the problem are coming from the cyclists. The data above desmonstrates that this is untrue. As we have seen the main problem comes from other road users, and the lack of training of other road users towards cyclists. Emphasis on lorry drivers should be made in order to reduce reckless driving from this group of drivers.
Moreover, the CTC noted:
The number of drivers in England and Wales prosecuted through the courts for 'dangerous' driving fell by over a third between 2003 and 2006, while the number of penalty notices issued for 'careless' driving offences (excluding the use of a hand held mobile phone while driving) was up 101% from 2005 to 2006. CTC believes this means that more and more dangerous drivers are merely getting a ticket for 'careless' driving, something that reinforces the impression that driving dangerously is not really a serious crime.
3 Increase pennalties and encforcement against poor behaviour towards cyclists. A street code should be established to protect pedestrian and cyclists, such as whats was done in Germany, Belgium, Denmark or France. As part of the street code, it is the drivers' responsibility to anticipate the cyclists's behaviour and if he fails to do so, severe penalties should apply.
4 Improve cycle facilities! Indeed a 80kg cyclists as nothing to do next to a 45,000 kilos lorry. The ratio is 1 to 500! On trunk roads were numbers of large vehicle can be seen, a complete safe, adapted, continious, fast and segregated cycle path must be provided. This has been done in a country like the Netherland that has up to 7 millions inhabitant connurbation, narrow streets just like in the UK.
More info and press release:
PS: Boris himself passed closed to death recently: here are some additiona information and some reactions: http://crapwalthamforest.blogspot.com/2009/05/more-on-that-boris-near-death.html
and here: http://crapwalthamforest.blogspot.com/search/label/hazardous%20cycling
Update: a BBc article on te subject was released today: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8106747.stm